Family Resources

Access essential documents and forms at Imagination Station's Family Resources, including health forms, development records, our handbook, and allergy action plans. Learn about convenient payment options too, all easily available with a simple click.

Enrollment Paperwork

Child Care Medical Statement:

Permissions & Development History for Children Under 18 Months:

Permissions & Development History for Children Over 18 Months:

Parent Policies & Handbook:


Medical Forms

Medication Consent Form:

Individualized Medical Plan:

Parent Consent For Therapy: 

(To be completed to give permission to release your child to a therapist if receiving services while in our care)

Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan: 

(To be completed by the doctor for any child with an emergency medication example, inhaler or EpiPen)


Imagination Station allows multiple ways to make payments. Check payments can be made in person at the center each week. In addition, we accept credit cards (fees apply) and automatic checking account deductions that can be made through our online system. You can access the system using the button below.

Pay Tuition